Friday, January 31, 2014

Hak untuk 'Domestic Inquiry' adalah hak pekerja

Hak untuk 'Domestic Inquiry' adalah hak pekerja yang harus dimasukkan dalam CA dengan jelas... ini memberikan pekerja hak membela diri...hak untuk didengar..dan obligasi kepada pengadu membuktikan 'salah laku kerja' yang dituduh dilakukan. Prosidur Domestic Inquri/Siasatan Dalaman adalah lebih kurang saperti prosidur di Mahkamah --- dan demi keadilan, pekerja yang dituduh harus mempunyai hak untuk direpresentasi Union atau peguam atau...

Panel DI, yang harusnya berkecuali, biasanya memutuskan salah atau tidak, dan juga memberikan nasihat mengenai hukuman patut kepada majikan -  ini bagus untuk pekerja kerana kalau tidak majikan bertindak cepat berasaskan 'emosi' dan tidak lakukan keadilan...

ADAKAH PERJANJIAN KERJA ATAU CA (perjanjian bersama antara Union dan Majikan) mempunyai peruntukkan mengenai DI - serta juga butiran bagaimana ia dijalankan. Yang dilihat, selalunya ada 'Grievance Procedure', iaitu prosidur mengenai ketidakpuashati pekerja terhadap majikan - tetapi sebaliknya bila majikan ada masalah dengan pekerja, nampaknya banyak Union gagal meletakkan prosidur ...surat tunjuk sebab...DI....

PASTIKAN Union anda memasukkan peruntukan mengenai prosidur disiplin dalam CA...

Pastikan MTUC, Union anda dan semua pekerja berjuang untuk memastikan hak untuk mendapatkan prosidur disiplin, yang termasuk surat tunjuk sebab, Domestic Inquiry(siasatan dalaman) juga di masukkan dalam Akta Kerja atau akta berkenaan ...untuk lebih menjamin hak pekerja ini....


Domestic Inquiries and Show Cause Letters

by Editor

A domestic Inquiry is an internal inquiry into some alleged misconduct by an employee. The main objectives of the domestic inquiry are to establish whether the alleged misconduct is proven or not and if the misconduct is proven, to recommend a punishment that is appropriate to the offence committed. The complainant is normally the management of the company but sometimes, can also be the victim of the alleged misconduct. At the domestic inquiry, the employer will present its case and the employee is given an equal opportunity to defend himself against the charges of misconduct.

How much notice should an employee get before a Domestic Inquiry is held?
A minimum of seven days and a maximum of 14 days is reasonable.

Who can represent the employee at a Domestic Inquiry?
If the employee belongs to a trade union, he can ask to be represented by his trade union. A non-unionised employee can request for a willing colleague to assist him.

Who can sit in the panel at a Domestic Inquiry?
The panel should comprise an odd number of persons who are employees of the company, usually three or five. The rank of the chairman should be equal or higher than his other panel members and almost always higher ranked than the employee. The panel is expected to be unbiased and exercise impartiality when hearing the evidence. There will also be a secretary, prosecuting officer and an investigation officer.

What happens during a Domestic Inquiry?
First, the employer will present the evidence it has collected and bring in witnesses to support his arguments. Next, the employer will defend himself and can also bring in his witnesses and other evidence.

What happens after a Domestic Inquiry?
The panel will adjourn to decide whether the employee is guilty or not. If the employee is found to be guilty, the panel will recommend to management an appropriate penalty.

After the Domestic Inquiry has been held the inquiry panel will decide whether the employee is guilty of all or any of the charges and if he is guilty, they may recommend a suitable penalty to management. It is for senior management, who appointed the panel, to actually decide upon the appropriate penalty.

What penalties are possible?
Any of the following are possible:
  • A written warning;
  • A no-pay suspension not exceeding two weeks;
  • Demotion to a lower grading or position;
  • Withholding of a contractual increment or bonus; or
  • Dismissal
Can the employee appeal?
An employee covered by the Employment Act 1955 can complain to the Labour Department. For dismissals, the dismissed employee can claim for reinstatement at the Department of Industrial Relations.

Show cause letter
A show cause letter is the start of a domestic inquiry to investigate into any gross misconduct committed by an employee. It is a very delicate issue that needs to be handled with due diligence and lots of sensitivity.

Before a show cause letter is issued, the most effective engagement method to begin with is to call the accused staff for a face-to-face preliminary discussion, professionally and without intimidation. The objectives are to give him an opportunity to give his side of the story, get at the truth of the situation and see whether at all there is a case to answer. What is important is to prevent any form of victimization at the onset.
“The main objectives of the domestic inquiry are to establish whether the alleged misconduct is proven or not.”

If the accused staff admits to the complaint, then the matter is simpler as the discussion will now focus on his fate. Advise him properly on the violation of company policies and the legal and moral implications. Probe further by throwing in questions such as “What have you to say?” and “How should we go about settling this matter?” From this discussion, you should be able to determine whether there is really a gross misconduct which requires disciplinary action. Of course, this can also be determined from the answer to the show cause letter.

On the other hand, if the staff keeps denying the matter without substantiating his rebuttal of the complaint or ignores the attempts to meet with him, then the appropriate cause of action must be initiated. The show cause letter detailing the misconduct should be issued and the staff given a specific time frame to answer it. By the deadline if no reply is received or the answer is insufficient, a domestic inquiry will then be initiated.

Before the charge sheet is issued to the accused staff, the management must be sure of the facts of the case. To do so, you need to liaise with the supervisor to understand further what had transpired. It is also important to be sure that once the domestic inquiry is called, the supervisor, being the key witness in the case, must be available to attend the inquiry as the company’s witness. If he refuses to attend, the domestic inquiry is on filmsier grounds as the accused staff must be given a chance to cross-examine the allegation made against him. If the supervisor is willing to cooperate, then with all the facts before you, the company may call for a domestic inquiry even if the accused staff fails to answer the show cause letter or gives an inadequate answer. In fact, the failure to answer the show cause letter can be in itself an additional charge against him.


The article is contributed by (, which is Malaysia’s leading end-to-end online recruitment job site. Jobstreet provides a host of synergistic operations ranging from online job postings, provision of contract staff, online marketing services to career site management and search and selection services.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Apa yang MTUC dan MTUC Peringkat negeri harus lakukan?

MTUC adalah wakil semua pekerja/Kesatuan di Malaysia, bukan sahaja ahli MTUC, - di mana pengiktirafan ini diberikan bukan sahaja oleh kerajaan Malaysia tetapi juga ILO, di mana ini juga persepsi rakyat umum di Malaysia dan di luar negara.

Maka, tanggungjawab dan beban yang dipikul oleh MTUC serta juga MTUC di peringkat negeri adalah sangat besar... pekerja mengharapkan MTUC, dan MTUC tidak boleh mengabaikan harapan ini.

UNION lain khususnya hanya mempunyai tanggungjawab kepada ahlinya dan juga BAKAL ahlinya... Bagi in-house union, kenyataan ini adalah benar tetapi bagi NATIONAL Union, REGIONAL union, STATE Union - tanggungjawab khusus mereka adalah kepada semua pekerja di kawasan geografi yang dirangkumi Union mereka. Jika pekerja di sebuah kilang elektronik ada masalah, persoalan, dinafikan hak, ada isu dan sebagainya semestinya kesatuan nasional/state/regional berkenaan segera bertindak. Bertindak macam mana? Segera pergi jumpa pekerja terbabit, memberikan nasihat, membuat aduan perlu kepada pihak berkenaan, dan juga mungkin mengeluarkan kenyataan media/umum membawa kepada perhatian umum dan juga pihak berkenaan isu pekerja tersebut, serta mencadangkan penyelesaian walaupun tidak ada AHLI union tersebut di kilang/tempat kerja tersebut. MTUC juga ada obligasi bertindak sedemikian rupa. Malangnya dalam kes terbaru yang diliputi pihak media baru-baru ini, sehingga kini tak ada kenyataan dari UNION berkenaan atau pun MTUC. -

MTUC pada masa yang sama harus lebih prihatin kepada pekerja lain - khususnya mereka yang kerja di dalam sektor/tempat tak ada Union lagi. Satu objektif utama MTUC, berasaskan kedudukan 'khas' mereka sebagai wakil semua pekerja adalah berjuang untuk semua pekerja.....di mana beban ini tidak sahaja harus dipimpin kepimpinan MTUC pusat atau mereka di HQ MTUC di Subang tetapi juga MTUC Bahagian/Peringkat Negeri.

Sekarang, saya akan memberikan tumpuan kepada MTUC peringkat negeri... di mana ini merupakan kawasan yang sangat luas...merangkumi ramai pekerja...mungkin jutaan (atau ratusan ribuan) - di mana untuk memberikan perkhidmatan kepada seramai mungkin, tidak boleh diharapkan hanya ahli Exco peringkat negeri sahaja ... justeru Biro/Jawatankuasa peringkat bandar/kawasan - mungkin juga beberapa biro/jawatankuasa... (Saperti cara parti politik berfungsi - banyak cawangan...). 

Jadi, untuk MTUC Pahang - kita memerlukan Jawatankuasa kecil/Biro di semua bandar..
- Kuantan
- Pekan
- Temerloh
- Bentong
- Jerantut
- Kuala Lipis
- Raub
- Maran
- Triang
- Kemayan
.... juga Karak,....

di mana setiap J/K Kecil atau Biro ini mesti ada seorang Pengerusi, Naib Pengerusi, Setiausaha dan ahli masing-masing. Jangan mereka daripada Exco Negeri masuk dan duduk sebagai Pengerusi ... biar orang lain. Mereka dari Exco Pusat akan menjadi ahli Ex-Officio sahaja (Ahli Ex-Officio ini seolah 'diplomat' untuk memberikan perangsang, memastikan semua melakukan mengikut dasar MTUC Negeri, ...tetapi jangan pula mengambil tugas/tanggungjawab khusus peringkat bandar, Mereka ada 'link-person' di antara Exco dan J/K Kecil/Biro peringkat bandar - tanggungjawab untuk melapurkan kepada Exco Negeri tentang apa yang berlaku, isu, dsb..). Harus juga memastikan setiap J/K kecil ada ahli perempuan, ahli muda, dll...)

Apa yang Biro peringkat bandar lakukan?

* Respon kepada isu pekerja setempat dengan pantas (mungkin juga buka 'counter' di mana orang boleh datang minta nasihat isu pekerja... tak ada premis, tak mengapa - pilih kedai kopi dan duduk sahaja di sana mungkin setiap Ahad/Sabtu di antara jam 4.00 - 6.00 petang - jika orang tahu, mereka akan datang juga...gerai pasar malam/pasar harian...) - banyak cara kena kreatif sahaja..

* Mengadakan aktiviti kesedaran hak pekerja/kesatuan, serta juga berkongsi isu-isu pekerja semasa saperti isu Gaji Minima, Contractor For Labour, dll... tak semesti forum/ceramah sahaja - mungkin juga aktiviti edar risalah dekat pasar malam...dekat tempat kerja atau kawasan perumahan [Nyata pihak media massa kini tak memberikan ruang kepada isu pekerja...jadi cara lain mesti difikirkan dan dilakukan]

* Memberi nasihat kepada pekerja dan juga membantu mereka dalam kes peringkat Jabatan Sumber Manusia, Jabatan Perhubungan Manusia, Polis, SUHAKAM dan lain-lain

Cadang supaya ada program ceramah/bengkel dengan pekerja mungkin sekali setiap 3 bulan... (Mungkin boleh gunakan Dewan Orang Ramai majlis bandaran - pasti boleh dapat kadar baik untuk sewa (atau tak ada sewa)..jika ada rundingan dengan pihak berkenaan, kalu tidak boleh gunakan ruang pihak ketiga contoh parti politik dan orang lain...Jika NUTP boleh bantu, boleh juga cuba guna dewan sekolah..

Anjurkan aktiviti pekerja setempat...semua tak perlu serius...mungkin boleh adakan jamuan raya, program lawatan tempat menarik/berkelah, majlis makanan tahunan, program kebudayaan, sukan, dll - semua penting untuk menjalin hubungan warga pekerja sekeluarga dan akan menambahkan solidariti dan kekuatan pergerakkan pekerja..

Anjuskan aktiviti amal - kempen kutip derma wang/baju mangsa banjir,kempen derma darah, melawat rumah orang tua, dsb..., menziarahi warga pekerja di hospital, ...

Banyak aktiviti dan kebebasan harus diberikan untuk setiap J/K Kecil buat apa aktiviti yang mereka MAHU buat - jangan pula pusat paksa kena buat ini atau itu... berikan kelonggaran sedikit..

Yang penting adalah warga pekerja setempat harus tahu bagaimana menghubungi wakil MTUC setempat - maka emel/no.talipon atau alamat mesti jelas dan senang dicari...mungkin guna Blog, FB, atau NOTIS board, dsb..

Nyata JK Kecil juga mungkin memerlukan committee/JK kecil-kecil lagi...

Kebanyakkan ahli MTUC adalah pekerja dan mereka kurang masa untuk aktiviti UNION atau MTUC ini - jadi caranya adalah tambahkan bilangan mereka yang terlibat ...mungkin juga sukarelawan yang bukan pun ahli mana-mana union. Jika ada aktiviti atau kerja yang perlu dilakukan, dan ada yang minta bantuan, dari pengalaman saya ramai yang akan turun membantu... Jangan asyik ada 'meeting' sahaja - ini 'boring' tetapi jika saya ada tanggungjawab atau kerja pasti, saya akan meluangkan masa membantu... 

Kadang-kadang, apa yang kurang hanya 'ide' (apa yang boleh dilakukan ...dan mungkin juga sedikit 'ide' bagaimana lakukannya??) Ramai sedia membantu - dan pemimpin harus hanya minta bantuan...

Bila memilih Pengerusi dan ahli JK Kecil - pastikan orang yang bukan sahaja mahu 'pangkat' tetapi mereka yang betul-betul mahu buat kerja ...

MTUC Peringkat Negeri mesti memberi teladan dan inspirasi juga .... adakan ceramah/taklimat/pertemuan dengan warga pekerja sekali setiap bulan?

TAK ADA DUIT - macam mana nak buat semua ini? Inilah alasan yang saya terima tetapi jika ada keinginan, semua boleh menjadi.... Kini, sebagai contohnya FB Bicara Pekerja (dan yang lain) telah mengadakan beberapa pertemuan - di mana nyata ketiadaan DUIT tidak menjadi halangan - biasanya ada yang menderma/memberi wang untuk mengatasi apa-apa perbelanjaan - mereka yang hadhir pun akan memberi jika diminta...

Nyata MTUC atau Union bukan kerajaan atau organisasi yang mempunyai banyak wang (atau ada pun apa-apa wang), di mana jika hak pekerja dan isu pekerja penting, kita akan cari jalan dan isu 'tak ada peruntukkan' tidak akan digunakan untuk menjustifikasikan ketiadaan aktiviti atau program... Kita mesti tolak mereka yang berpendirian sedemikian..dari barisan kepimpinan... 

Bagi isu ini, nyata majikan atau kerajaan berpihak majikan atau 'warga kaya' berpihak majikan tidak akan membantu - justeru pekerja sendiri mesti guna dana sendiri, tenaga sendiri, masa sendiri...demi memperjuangkan hak pekerja dan hak kesatuan...dan hak asasi... 

Meminta wang dari kerajaan atau Menteri Besar atau ahli politik.... boleh menjejaskan 'independence' kita ...dan kita akan sentiasa bergantung kepada orang lain...dan ini mungkin akan menjejaskan juga cara kita lawan. Pasti MB atau kerajaan tidak akan suka jika kita kritik kerajaan - di mana dalam perjuangan hak, pasti akan kita kritik kerajaan, syarikat milik kerajaan, dll - kita mesti BEBAS melakukan apa sahaja yang perlu demi kepentingan pekerja dan kesatuan - justeru semua orang di Malaysia... Kita mesti berdikari...

Yang penting adalah MTUC,,,dan MTUC Negeri...J/K Kecil peringkat bandar menjadi relevan bagi kaum pekerja setempat...

Di Hong Kong, pihak Union Kebangsaan (saperti MTUC kita) ada juga menganjurkan beranika jenis kelas dari kelas computer, musik, YOGA, jahitan, akaun, Bahasa Malaysia,dll...kepada ahlinya pada kadar 'istimewa' dan rendan - jika pergi bangunan UNION itu selalu ramai keluar masuk.... Mungkin yang lain boleh juga berkongsi apakah strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk menjadikan Union lebih relevan kepada kaum pekerja ...dan solidariti di antara pekerja diperkembangkan..






Sunday, January 19, 2014

Did Malaysian Government investigate alleged deaths of workers at Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd?

see related earlier post :- Workers urge employer to get sick worker healthcare - employer calls police - worker dies - media call it 'Riot"?

Migrant workers’ deaths: Government should act against manufacturer

The three deaths in December 2013 at a plywood manufacturer seem to have been a well-kept secret, and it is highly likely, given the latest death, that no one was held accountable, writes Rani Rasiah.
migrant workers protest
Migrant workers protest over deaths of colleagues
About 8.00pm on 11 January 2014, Nepali workers of the plywood manufacturer Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd in Jabi, Pokok Sena, Kedah, began gathering outside their employer’s residence to urge him to send a fellow worker who was having difficulty breathing to hospital. 
The workers were anxious as, just a month earlier, three Nepali workers with similar symptoms had died. Their deaths had been cryptically classified as ‘sudden death’.
Rushing the worker to the hospital or calling an ambulance would have been the expected course of action but unfortunately that didn’t happen. Instead of calling the ambulance, the employer apparently contacted the police. 
The police arrived, dispersed the workers whose numbers had by then grown to near 200, and arrested three of the workers. In the meantime, the worker who had complained of shortness of breath died (The Malaysian Insider, 12 January 2014).
This news item appeared as almost a footnote in our mainstream newspapers. The Malaysian government prides itself on its superior business-friendly environment. For employers, it is great news, but for workers it means low wages and an erosion of rights. Under this arrangement, workers lives are cheap – and those of migrant workers even cheaper. 
The PSM lodged a police report of criminal negligence against the plywood company for allegedly failing to get medical help for the ailing worker, thereby leading to another death. 
The report asked for a police investigation into the cause of the deaths – if they were linked to exposure to chemicals or poison at the workplace or conditions at workers’ hostel – and what action had been taken by Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd after December to prevent further deaths. 
This tragic and totally unacceptable episode raises questions about the apparent irregularities or inadequacies of the departments involved in the procurement and management of migrant workers in Malaysia. 
Why did the police arrest the friends of the victim and not the employer whose inaction led to the worker’s death? The police themselves acknowledged that the workers had gathered peacefully to get help for their friend, thus implying there was no reason for arrest. And so the arrest of three Nepali workers appeared to be unjustified and arbitrary, and merely seemed to confirm the apparently unwritten rule that the police must side with the bosses under any circumstances. 
Was the Department of Safety and Health aware of and did they investigate the cause of breathing difficulties and sudden death among the workers of Besgrade Products? A study would determine if the deaths were linked to the work environment or nutrition or some other cause.
The Immigration Department and Human Resources Ministry are involved in deciding requests for the supply of migrant workers by employers. What was their action on Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd after the deaths in December 2013? 
The three deaths in December at Besgrade Products seem to have been a well-kept secret, and it is highly likely, given the January death, that no one was held accountable. This death too may be swept under the carpet if the victim’s family is quietly compensated and if the company and relevant departments make arrangements to send home workers who fear they may be future victims.
This must not be allowed to happen. Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd, which according to its website, is a major supplier of plywood to both domestic and international markets should be investigated for what alleged inhuman negligence, which contrasts with its hollow-sounding tag line ‘A model plywood manufacturer with a caring heart.’ 
The relevant government departments should investigate and take action under the law to serve as a warning to all employers to respect and value the lives of their workers. - ALIRAN, 20/1/2014, Migrant workers’ deaths: Government should act against manufacturer

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Adakah MTUC sudah bergerak isu kematian, protes dan penangkapan pekerja di Alor Star ini?

worker's condition worsening - other workers urge employer to take sick worker for medical treatment - employer calls police? Why not ambulance? - worker dies - police comes and arrest workers??? Media (that is BERNAMA) calls it a 'Riot'? ...and of course, the media report does not even name the factory...which really should be named and investigated given that this is not the 1st case but rather the 3rd death... and this employer apparently failed to effectively deal with the workers' grievance  - maybe the employer should be charged under the Penal Code for causing death... Why could the workers themselves rush to hospital - maybe the employer was holding on to the original passport/visa and Malaysian hospitals will not treat unless the foreign worker comes with the relevant documents and pay the required fees? 

A case that really needs to be looked into - and media, please stop criminalizing all worker legitimate actions...

Nepalese workers arrested for attempting to instigate riot, say cops
January 12, 2014

ALOR SETAR, Jan 12 — A group of Nepalese factory workers in Pokok Sena near here tried to stage a riot last night after getting furious with their employer who allegedly ignored one of their colleagues who was having difficulty breathing.

In the 9pm incident, between 100 and 200 workers gathered in front of the employer’s house, demanding him to take immediate action to help the worker whose breathlessness condition was worsening at the workers’ hostel.

Fearing something untoward might happen, the employer refused to come out to meet the workers, but instead alerted the police.

The Nepalese workers were getting more furious after realising that their friend had died of shortness of breath and were blaming it on the employer.

However, a team of policemen who arrived at the scene about 20 minutes later, managed to disperse the workers.
Kota Setar Public Order and Traffic chief DSP Mat Akhir Jaafar, when met at the scene, said three of the workers, believed to be their leaders, were arrested.

“Initial investigation found that the reason the workers acted that way was because there have been three cases of sudden deaths involving the factory workers at the hostel and that the employer did nothing to find out why,” he said.

He said police would investigate further into the case.

The body of the dead worker was taken to Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital for post mortem. — Bernama - Malay Mail. 12/1/2014,
Nepalese workers arrested for attempting to instigate riot, say cops

This reminds us of 

Remembering the JCY's 5,000 Workers Protest 2010 - maybe the biggest workers' protest in Malaysia for many years

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MAS membatalkan 'suspension' 9 dari 10 ahli NUFAM

When workers and trade unions are not allowed to criticize their employers, it is very wrong. Are they expected to only PRAISE bad employers and be silent about all their employers' wrongdoings? Of course, in any worker struggle for justice, it would be inevitable that they would be seen to be criticizing their employer .... 

In this case, as reported, these 'criticisms' were in a closed FB group - of, course workers can and should be always able to criticize their employers, highlight the injustices, ....more so in a closed forum. The right to publicly picket is a recognized right how can criticizing an employer be even considered a misconduct that is actionable...  

The UNION president was suspended and terminated for a statement he made in his capacity as the UNION president - but action was taken allegedly against him because as an employee he criticized MAS? or its Officer/s? - he was suspended, and terminated (a few weeks later) even without a Domestic Inquiry...and MAS, is a government linked company and Malaysia's National Carrier...

It is good news that MAS has revoked the suspension of 9 out of 10 who were suspended for criticizing MAS in a closed FB forum - now revoke the suspension of the remaining 1, and immediately reinstate the President of NUFAM.....

See earlier posts:- 

Malaysian Airlines terminated the President of National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM), and now suspends 7 others

ITUC makes it 43 groups calling on MAS to revoke suspension on Union president -

43 Groups Joint Statement (3/12/2013) - MAS Must Immediately Revoke Suspension of Union President Ismail Nasaruddin - Worker Right Issue Should Be Resolved By Negotiations Not ‘Union Busting’ 

Now, this National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM), after being registered, sought recognition from MAS but MAS refused - hence there was a need for a 'secret ballot' to be conducted and the qualified employees voted in favour of NUFAM and it got recognition - but MAS shamefully is now allegedly challenging the recognition of NUFAM in court

MAS files judicial review on Nufam’s secret ballot

Crew suspended for criticising MAS reinstated

Malaysia Airlines System (MAS) have reinstated nine of the 10 cabin crew who were suspended for allegedly criticising the airline in a closed National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (Nufam) Facebook forum.
Nufam spokesperson Mahmood Abdullah said that three were released from suspension a fortnight ago while six more were released from suspension yesterday.
“The crew members got calls from the MAS human resources department to take their (warning) letters except for one (female flight attendant) who remains suspended.

“We should know the verdict for (the flight attendant) soon,” he said in an email to Malaysiakini.

Mahmood said that the crew who were released from suspension were warned “not to do it (criticise the company on Facebook) again”.

In an earlier statement, Nufam, which was formed in January 2012, slammed MAS for using “aggressive tactics to scare Nufam members” against joining an upcoming picket planned for  next week.

“MAS appears to wage war against our union members and we will not hesitate to call for industrial action if MAS prevails this form of threats and tactics against our members,” it said.

It added that MAS is “continuing to bully the union members over their (MAS) own failures to resolves workers' problems”, following the sacking of Nufam president Ismail Nasaruddin.

Ismail, a chief steward, was sacked after calling for MAS chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya's (left) resignation, in a news article where he lamented the relatively poor working conditions of MAS cabin crew.
In response, MAS denied engaging in union busting and said that it has the right to take discplinary action against employees in accordance to what is stated or implied in the employment contract.

It added that all its collective bargaining, including for cabin crew, is done through the Malaysia Airlines Systems Employee's Union (Maseu) and not through Nufam.

On Jan 4, Nufam conducted a petition drive among MAS cabin crew to reinstate Ismail, but petitioners collecting signatures at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport were ousted by airport authorities. - Malaysiakini, 14/1/2013, Crew suspended for criticising MAS reinstated

Friday, January 10, 2014

KSIEWBSM berjaya mendapat 72% sokongan pekerja RENESAS dalam undi sulit ke arah pengiktirafan

72% of RENESAS workers vote in favour of UNION - finally recognition after almost 4 year struggle

The Electronic Industry Employees Union Western Region, Peninsular Malaysia (EIEUWR)/ Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Barat Semenjung  Malaysia(KSIEWBSM) was victorious in the 'secret ballot' when about 72% of the qualified workers at RENESAS Semiconductor KL Sdn Bhd (formerly known as NEC Semiconductors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd]voted in favour of the Union. The Union will now be recognized, and soon would be able to begin negotiations for a Collective Bargaining Agreement. The almost 4 year struggle for recognition is over, and we do hope that RENESAS would also do the right thing and reinstate immediately Wan Noorulazhar, the President of the Union.
It would have so much better if employers, like RENESAS, respected worker and trade union rights and immediately accorded recognition to the UNION since 2010 - but sadly, there was resistance to the UNION and thus the need for a 'secret ballot'.  See also:- At last, secret ballot being conducted at RENESAS - UNION or NO UNION?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Finally RENESAS workers get their secret ballot

Finally, the workers of RENESAS Semiconductor KL Sdn Bhd (formerly known as NEC Semiconductors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd] have got their 'secret ballot' which will Electronic Industry Employees Union Western Region, Peninsular Malaysia (EIEUWR)/ Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Barat Semenjung  Malaysia(KSIEWBSM) determine whether their Union will be accorded recognition - something that is needed before the Union can enter into negotiations and sign a Collective Bargaining Agreement with their employer, RENESAS.

If there are 100 qualified workers, then 51 or more workers must come out and vote in favour of the Union. Workers who cannot make it to cast their ballot will be deemed to be not in favour of the Union. Employers have been known to use many kinds of strategies that prevents workers having the time to come out and vote. 

There would have been no need for a 'secret ballot' if only RENESAS had recognized the Union, whose membership was 70% of those then qualified to vote. But RENESAS delayed recognition of the UNION using technicalities and legal challenges, that went all the way to the Federal Court. The Union President, a worker at RENESAS, was also wrongfully terminated 26/8/2011 (his case in now pending at the Industrial Court).

In RENESAS, the secret ballot is said to be happening today, and will continue for the next 2 days

Joint Statement- 4/4/2013

We, the 87 undersigned civil society organisations, trade unions and groups call on RENESAS Semiconductor KL Sdn Bhd (formerly known as NEC Semiconductors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd] to respect the freedom of association and the right to effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining,  being one of the basic rights of workers and one also one of the core values of International Labour Organisation (ILO)'s.  RENESAS must stop obstructing or delaying, and immediately accord recognition to Electronic Industry Employees Union Western Region, Peninsular Malaysia (EIEUWR)/ Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Barat Semenjung  Malaysia(KSIEWBSM)[UNION] so that workers at RENESAS can at last begin to enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining agreement.  It has been more than 3 years since the UNION first applied in January 2010 for recognition by RENESAS. 

In Malaysia, after being registered, recognition by the employer is needed before the UNION can start negotiating and enter into any Collective Bargaining Agreement with the employer company. The UNION has to submit a claim for recognition, and within 21 days, the company can accord recognition or not. If not, then the Director General of Industrial Relations (DGIR) steps in and start the process of conducting   a secret ballot to ensure that more than  5o% plus one of the qualified workers is for the union – then the union is accorded recognition, and thereafter can effectively represent the workers.  

Even though  about 70% (1,300) of RENESAS’s workers eligible to be members of the  union were already members of EIEUWR when the first application was made by the UNION to the company for recognition, RENESAS did not accord recognition and after more than 3 years and RENESAS still refuses to recognize the UNION. 

On 18/1/2010, EIEUWR submitted the 1st application for recognition to RENESAS. The company responded that there was a pro-tem in-house union, which was unregistered, also seeking recognition. The Director General of Industrial Relations (DGIR) rejected this reason. Then, RENESAS claimed  that they did not receive the claim for recognition, when the application had been hand delivered personally by Wan Noorulazhar, the Union President, and RENESAS acknowledged receipt. The DGIR later asked the Union to send again their claim for recognition. 

The 2nd claim for recognition was submitted on 17/8/2010, this time by acknowledged receipt registered post, and again RENESAS claimed they did not receive it, and the UNION also did not receive back the duly signed acknowledged receipt card from the postal services.

The 3rd claim for recognition was submitted to RENESAS on 8/10/2010, and this time using the National Courier Poslaju. After receipt of the UNION’s  letter, RENESAS  send it back to Poslaju asking that the letter be returned  to the UNION. Poslaju provided a letter confirming this. RENESAS could not deny receipt this time, and rightfully the DGIR should have done the needful which was to the conduct of a ‘secret ballot’. But, there was inaction on the part of the DGIR for many months despite repeated demands by the UNION, and finally on 12/8/2011, the UNION had a picket in front of the Ministry of Human Resources. The DGIR then informed the UNION that the said relevant documents had been misplaced, and the blame was put on the Deputy DGIR responsible, who allegedly has since then been removed from that position. The DGIR  then asked the Union to submit yet  another  claim for recognition.

The 4th claim for recognition was made on 8/9/2011. RENESAS’s now challenged the validity of the registration of EIEUWR(the UNION) itself, and the qualification of the UNION’s General Secretary, one Bruno Gentil Pereira. When the Minister rejected this objection on 9/4/2012, RENESAS proceeded to filed a High Court case to challenge the Minister’s decision on 8/5/2012, whereby on 28/6/2012, the High Court dismissed the RENESAS’s  application. RENESAS then appealed to the Court of Appeal who also unanimously dismissed the case on 5/12/2012.
After the High Court dismissed RENESAS application on 28/6/2012, there was no court order stopping the DGIR from proceeding with the secret ballot but the DGIR did not do anything.

After much protestation by the Union, the DGIR finally started the process by writing to RENESAS to submit Form B, as required by law, on about 14/12/2012. RENESAS did not comply and a second letter  was sent by the DGIR  on 14/1/2013. RENESAS again did not comply, and now it is believed that  a third letter has been sent by the DGIR.

When, and if the day finally comes for the ‘secret ballot’, the workers entitled to vote would be the workers as of the date the claim was submitted, being 8/9/2011 but with the existence of short-term contracts, many of the pro-union workers may  no more be employees of RENESAS, and this will prejudice the UNION, who still will have to show that it has the support of at least  50% plus one of the number of qualified employees as per the list of qualified employees on 8/9/2011. The tactic of delaying the secret ballot works in favour of the employer, and prejudices the UNION.

Wan Noorulazhar
Wan Noorulazhar bin Mohd Hanafiah, an employee of RENESAS who is the President of the UNION was dismissed on 26/8/2011 by RENESAS whereby the alleged misconduct, was that his actions were ‘contrary to explicit company policies’. He allegedly made statements about treatment of workers in a closed Facebook Group, whose members were fellow workers. The alleged misconduct It had nothing to do with his work performance. The wrongful dismissal case is now before the Industrial court.

The current trend at the Industrial Courts when it makes a finding the worker has been wrongfully dismissed by the employer is not to order reinstatement, but to rather order compensation.  If not reinstated, workers of RENESAS would be deprived of a leader. RENESAS can at any time reinstate  Wan Noorulazhar bin Mohd Hanafiah  without  loss of benefits.  

On 14/3/2013, EIUWR and the workers of RENESAS again had a protest picket at Putrajaya.

We call on RENESAS Semiconductor KL  Sdn  Bhd to immediately accord recognition to Electronic Industry Employees Union Western Region (EIEUWR), and  immediately reinstate Wan Noorulazhar bin Mohd Hanafiah and all other worker leaders terminated.

Senator Syed Shahir bin Syed Mohamud
Charles Hector
Mohd Roszeli bin Majid
Pranom Somwong
Badrulzaman bin Mohd Ghazali

For and on behalf the 87 organisations listed below
Andhra Pradesh State Domestic Workers' Union, India
Asia Monitor Resource Centre(AMRC)
Asia  Pacific  Forum on Women , Law and Development ( APWLD)
Asia Floor Wage Alliance- SEA Office
Building and Wood Workers International Asia Pacific Regional Office (BWI APRO)
Center for Migrant Advocacy ,Philippines
Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) Sri Lanka
Center for Orang  Asli Concerns (COAC)
CIMS- Centre for Indian Migrant Studies
Clean Clothes Campaign
Committee for Asian Women, Bangkok
Community Action Network (CAN), Malaysia
Confederation of Free Trade Unions of India
Dignity International
GoodElectronics Thailand (GET)
Hope Workers' Center, Taiwan
Hsinchu Catholic Diocese Migrants and Immigrants Service Center (HMISC), Taiwan
Human Rights Ambassador for
IDWN( International  Domestic Workers’  Network)
IMA Research Foundation, Bangladesh
International Campaign for Responsible Technology, US
International League of Peoples' Struggle – Canada
Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW), Cambodia
LIPS (Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane/Sedane Labour Resource Centre) Indonesia
MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility
MAP Foundation, Thailand
Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network, Berkeley, CA  USA
Migrant Care
Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
Migrant Forum India (MF India)
Migrant Forum Lanka (MFL)
Migrants Rights Council India
Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM)
NAMM (Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia)
NDWM -  National Domestic Workers' Movement, India
NLD-LA (National League for Democracy-Liberated Areas), Malaysia
Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization (PRWSWO)
Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM)
People & Planet, UK
Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS)
PINAY Quebec
Progressive Labor Union of Domestic Workers- Hong Kong
PSWS (Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor)
Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU), Bangladesh
SALT (School of Acting Justly Loving Tenderly and Walking Humbly)
SBMI (Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia)
Solidarity of Cavite Workers (SCW), Philippines
State Enterprises Workers' Relations Confederation (SERC), Thailand
State Railway Workers' Union of Thailand (SRU), Thailand
SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia)
Tenaganita, Malaysia
The Alliance of Progressive Labor - Hong Kong
Tourism Employees Association of Maldives
Women's Rehabilitation Center (WOREC) Nepal
Workers Assistance Center, Inc, Philippines
Workers Hub For Change (WH4C)
Women Workers Lead
Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
Youth For Peace/Peace Institute of Cambodia (YFP/PIC)
Malaysian Unions
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Timur Semenanjung Malaysia (KSIEWTSM)
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Selatan Semenanjung Malaysia
Kesatuan Sekerja Pekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Utara
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja MHS Aviation Berhad
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Polyplastics Asia Pacific
Paper & Paper Products Manufacturing Employees' Union Of Malaysia (PPPMEU)
TNBJOU (TNB Junior Officers Union), Malaysia
Malayan Technical Services Union (MTSU)
NUBE (National Union of Banking Employees), Malaysia
Association of Maybank Executive
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja Pekerja Perusahaan Alat Alat Pengangkutan Dan Sekutu(NUTEAIW)
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Perubatan Dan Kesihatan Swasta-[Union Of Employees In Private Medical And Health Services]
Kesatuan Eksekutif Canon Opto (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn.Bhd.
Electrical Industry Workers' Union (EIWU)
Kesatuan Pekerja Pekerja Fujikura Federal Cables Sdn Bhd
Kesatuan Pekerja Pekerja Kelab Semenanjung Malaysia
Kesatuan Eksekutif Airod (KEA)
UNI Global Union-Malaysia
MTUC Pahang
MTUC Penang Division
MTUC Bahagian Melaka
Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Cawangan Pulau Pinang
MTUC Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan