Sunday, July 17, 2016

Union Malaysia turut membantah 'Union Busting" di kilang kumpulan C&F di Filipina?

Kes 'Union Busting' di Filipina - dan kesatuan pekerja Malaysia yang telah bersama dalam perjuangan ini, yang kita boleh bangakan, adalah saperti disenaraikan. Solidariti pekerja perlu dalam perjuangan hak pekerja ...

National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM), Malaysia
National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW), Malaysia

Paper Union of Malaysia
Electronic Industry Employees Union (EIEU) Southern Region, Peninsular Malays
Electronic Industry Employees Union(EIEU) Northern Region, Peninsular Malaysia

Media Statement – 18/7/2016

C & F Group company Must Stop Union Busting and Respect Workers and Trade Union Rights; 63 Union Members and workers laid off after just days Union Registered -

We,  47 undersigned civil society organisations, trade unions,  and groups are appalled by the union busting action/s by C &F Manufacturing Philipines Corporation, which is now terminating  the workers, just after their union, Tinig ng mga Manggagawa sa C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corporation or the Voice of the Workers in C&F Mfg. Phils. Corp., was officially registered. 

On May 26, 2016, the workers registered their union with Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The very next day, on May 27, the company abruptly offered a Voluntary Separation Program (VSP). The union obtained its Certificate of Registration on May 30, 2016.

On June 6, 2016, the Union filed with DOLE a Petition for Certification Election (PCE) in order to determine the representation of the workers in the collective bargaining.  Thereafter, on the very same day, the company management informed DOLE-Cavite Provincial Office that they are subjecting to "retrenchment" or lay-off some 98 regular workers of the company, wherein more than 63 of these workers are union officers and/or union members.

In the evening of June 6, the night-shift workers learned about their mass lay-off through the posted "announcement" of the management in the bulletin board. On the next day, June 7, 2016 the day-shift workers were blocked at the guard house and were no longer allowed to enter the premises of the company.

On June 9, 2016, 3 days later, the company hired 55 new workers, who were agency-supplied contractual workers from Terumi, AED, and E Pipol. Before this, the company used 50 agency-supplied contractual workers already working in the company and supplied by Terumi.

Justly, if the company no longer needed so many workers, they should have kept their 98 regular workers, who had been working for 3 to 12 years, and simply reduced the number of agency-supplied contractual workers. But, this company got rid of its 98 regular employees and are replacing them with new agency-supplied contractual workers.
Based on the facts provided by the Union, this is a clear union busting, and also an attempt to remove regular employees and replace them with workers on precarious work arrangements.

C & F Manufacturing Phils. Corporation is a supplier to IT/electronics companies such as APC Schneider Electric, IBM, and EMC Corporation. Its CEO and President is Mr. John Flaherty of C& F Group, is based at C & F Tooling Ltd., Cashla, Athenry, Co Galway, Ireland. Website: C & F Tooling Ltd. have companies in Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, UK, USA, and the Philippines.

The C&F Group, in a document signed by John Flaherty in his capacity as Group Managing Director and CEO dated 5/1/2016 states that they ‘…have adopted the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) as the operating Code of Conduct within the C&F Group…’.

Further in a letter published in the United Nations Global Compact website, it is stated: - “..C&F Group reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of The United Nations Global Compact in areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. In addition, The C&F Group has adopted The EICC-SER code as the Groups Code of Practise.’ (

There have also been other complaints from the workers, which include ‘forced’ work on Sunday and public holidays and excessively long working hours.

As such, it is verily believed that C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corp. and/or the C&F Group are in breach of the EICC Code, and also the UN Global Compact.

The actions of the company, possibly with the intention of union busting, and avoidance of employer obligations, is a violation of worker and trade union rights.

Therefore, we:

1)     Call on C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corp. and/or the C&F Group to immediately reinstate the said  98 regular worekrs and  union members and/or employees;

2)     Call on C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corp. and/or the C&F Group to recognize and respect the rights  of workers to  organize, form union,  and to collectively bargain; 

3)     Call on C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corp. and/or the C&F Group to abort precarious employment and labour policy and practices, and ensure that all its employees are regular employees;

4)     Call on the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), a coalition of electronics companies committed to supporting the rights and wellbeing of workers and communities worldwide affected by the global electronics supply chain to ensure that C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corp. and/or the C&F Group comply with the EICC Code, and respect workers and trade union rights;

5)     Call on UN Global Compact, being a corporate sustainability initiative that ensures companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights and labour, to ensure that C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corp. and/or the C&F Group respect workers and trade union rights; and 

6)     Call on the government of Philippines to speedily act on the violation of workers and trade union rights by C&F Manufacturing Phils. Corp. and/or the C&F Group, and ensure justice be served.

Cecilia Tuico
Charles Hector
Alejandro Gonzalez

For and on behalf of the 47 groups

1.     National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM), Malaysia
2.    Labour Studies and Action Centre / Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral (CEREAL), Mexico
3.     WEED - World Economy, Ecology & Development, Germany
4.     North South Initiative
5.     All Arakan Students' and Youths' Congress(AASYC), Thai-Burma Border
6.     HAK Association of Timor-Leste
7.     Maquila Solidarity Network (Canada)
8.     Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan
9.     International Campaign for Responsible Technology,  San Jose, California 
10.  Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters-HRDP, Burma
11.  Sawit Watch (Indonesia)
12.  National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW), Malaysia
13.  Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma)
14.  MAP Foundation, Thailand 
15.  Safety and Rights Society, Bangladesh
16.  Kalikasan Peoples Network for the Environment, Philippines
17.  Metalworkers Alliance in the Philippines (MWAP)
19.  Basel Action Network
20.  Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL), Cambodia
21.  Fair | Campagna Abiti Puliti, Italy
22.  Clean Clothes Campaign, The Netherlands
23.  Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association, Myanmar
24.  Coalición de Ex trabajadoras (es) y trabajadoras (es)  de la Industria Electrónica Nacional (CETIEN), Mexico
25.  Cooperation Committee of Trade Unions (CCTU) Myanmar
26.  GoodElectronics Thailand (GET)
27.  Paper Union of Malaysia
28.  Committee for Asian Women
29.  International Labor Rights Forum, Washington, D.C.
30.  WH4C (Workers Hub For Change), Malaysia
31.  MADPET(Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
32.  Solidarity of Cavite Workers, Cavite, Philippines
33.  Hye Sung Workers Union, Cavite, Philippines
34.  Daeduck Employees Union –Independent (DEU-Ind.), Cavite. Philippines
35.  Nagkakaisang Manggagawa ng Keyrin Electronics (NMKE), Cavite, Philippines
36.  Eagle Ridge Employees Union (EREU), Cavite, Philippines
37.  Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Eagle Ridge (SMER), Cavite, Philippines
38.  Batangas Port Workers and Stevedores Labor Union (BPSLU), Batangas City, Philippines
39.  Electronic Industry Employees Union (EIEU) Southern Region, Peninsular Malaysia
40.  Electronic Industry Employees Union(EIEU) Northern Region, Peninsular Malaysia
41.  PROHAM - Society for the Promotion of Human Rights, Malaysia
42.  Parti Rakyat Malaysia
43.  GoodElectronics Network, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
44.  CWI (Committe For Workers International) Malaysia
45.  Association of domestic workers, homeworkers and maquila (ATRAHDOM)., Guatemala
46.  Workers Assistance Center, Inc. , Philippines
47.  Pagkakaisa ng mga Manggagawa sa Nakashima Philippines Corporation (PAMANA-Ind.), Cavite, Philippines

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bekerja 12 Jam Penyebab Kematian Pekerja?? Hadkan jumlah OT sebulan? Tambah kadar pembayaran OT?

Berapa lamakah harus seorang pekerja bekerja dalam satu hari? Pekerja dan kesatuan telah lama berjuang untuk, hak bekerja 8 jam, hak rihat 8 jam dan bersosial 8 jam... 

Tetapi kini, ramai pekerja 'dipaksa' kerja lebih 8 jam sehari ... Kerja lebih masa(OT) bukan lagi pekerja ada pilihan lagi sama ada menolak atau menerima permintaan majikan. Kini kajikan tidak lagi meminta atau merayu tetapi terus MENGARAH SAJA - dan pekerja tak ada pilihan - terpaksa buat - kalau enggan, mungkin akan dibuang kerja...

Kerajaan dapat memastikan jangkamasa maksima seorang boleh dipaksa bekerja, di mana ini boleh dilakukan melalui undang-undang. Malaysia, malangnya, melalui undang-undang menetapkan tahap kerja lebih masa - 104 jam sebulan (tersanggat tinggi, biasanya tahap adil adalah diantara 48-60 jam sebulan)..

104 jam bererti lebih kurang 4 jam setiap hari kerja - justeru majikan boleh mengarahkan pekerja kerja 12 jam setiap hari ...(jika termasuk waktu rihat, ini mungkin bermakna lebih kurang 14 jam di tempat kerja) - balik tidur - balik kerja lagi 14 jam...

Keadaan kerja macam ini mesti juga ada kesan kepada kesihatan anda ...dan tidak  hairan 'Duta Besar Nepal di Malaysia Dr Niranjan Man Singh Basnyat berkata perkara itu mungkin berpunca daripada masa bekerja yang terlalu lama, lebih-lebih lagi dalam terik cahaya matahari,..

Pihak media yang tidak prihatin isu dan keadaan pekerja, akan memberi fokus lain dalam tajuk berita...

ISU KINI:- Pekerja harus memikirkan apa yang wajar dan menuntut had maksima yang ditetapkan undang-undang negara dikurangkan, di tetapkan sama atau dinaikkan. Ya, memang ada yang mahu kerja lagi lama untuk mendapatkan pendapatan lebih... tetapi  dalam isu ini, keputusan wajar harus dibuat ....ini akan mengakibatkan nasib semua pekerja sekarang dan selamanya ... Jika undang-undang, kata boleh - majikan akan mengunakan ini untuk paksa pekerja kerja maksima??

Perlukan pekerja menuntut kadar OT yang lebih tinggi...
Jika kerja OT sehingga 2 jam - kadar 2 kali gaji sejam
Jika OT lebih 2 jam tetapi kurang 4 jam - kadar 3 kali  gaji sejam

Kenapa nak tambah kadar OT daripada 1.5 kali kepada 2 kali >> dah berdekad-dekad kita terima 1.5 kali, kini wajarkan ianya dinaikkan kepada 2 kali...

Senin, 13 Juni 2016, 09:50 WIB

Bekerja 12 Jam Penyebab Kematian Pekerja Nepal di Malaysia

Red: Ani Nursalikah
ilustrasi pekerja Nepal di Malaysia.
ilustrasi pekerja Nepal di Malaysia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALA LUMPUR -- Serangan jantung saat tidur merupakan penyebab utama kematian 461 warga Nepal di Malaysia sepanjang 2015, diduga akibat masa bekerja terlalu lama hingga 12 jam sehari di bawah terik panas matahari.
Duta Besar Nepal di Malaysia Niranjan Man Singh Basnyat, seperti dikutip media terbitan Kuala Lumpur, Senin (13/6), mengatakan 70 persen kematian pekerja Nepal di negara ini disebabkan serangan jantung. Sedangkan 30 persen lagi akibat kecelakaan kerja, terlalu banyak minum arak, dan kasus-kasus bunuh diri karena masalah keuangan.

"Pekerja Nepal mungkin tidak menyadari mereka bisa menjadi lemas akibat terlalu lama bekerja di bawah panas terik matahari sehingga bisa menjadi penyebab mereka mati saat tidur," katanya.

Niranjan mengatakan pekerja Nepal terpaksa bekerja keras mencari uang untuk dikirimkan ke keluarga mereka atau menyelesaikan utang di negara sendiri. Selain itu, kecenderungan pekerja Nepal meminum terlalu banyak minuman beralkohol juga menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab.

Ia menambahkan, banyak warga Nepal yang datang bekerja di Malaysia harus membayar utang kepada agen atau bank, sementara sebagian lagi terpaksa menggadaikan tanah untuk memperoleh biaya perjalanan mereka.

"Sebagian dari mereka kecewa saat mengetahui mereka tidak mendapatkan uang yang cukup untuk membayar balik pinjaman dan mengambil jalan mudah dengan bunuh diri," katanya.
Saat ini terdapat 800 ribu pekerja Nepal di Malaysia.
Sumber : Antara - Republika, 13/6/2016

Masalah Jantung Punca Kematian Kebanyakan Pekerja Nepal Di Malaysia - Duta

Oleh Amiril Muttaqien Meketar

KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Jun (Bernama) -- Kedutaan Nepal menerima 461 laporan mengenai kematian pekerja negara itu di sini tahun lepas, 70 peratus daripada mereka meninggal dunia ketika tidur akibat serangan jantung.

Duta Besar Nepal di Malaysia Dr Niranjan Man Singh Basnyat berkata perkara itu mungkin berpunca daripada masa bekerja yang terlalu lama, lebih-lebih lagi dalam terik cahaya matahari, manakala 30 peratus lagi mati akibat kemalangan di tempat kerja, terlalu banyak meminum arak dan membunuh diri kerana masalah kewangan.

Basnyat, yang bimbang tentang sikap rakyat negaranya yang tidak mementingkan kerehatan, menasihati mereka supaya tidak memaksa diri bekerja untuk tempoh yang panjang dan sebaliknya menjaga kesihatan masing-masing.. - Bernama, 12/6/2016