What was interesting was the outcome of the workshop entitled "Combating Erosion of Worker and Trade Union Rights'',
which was attended by about 80-100 participants, who did at the end of
the 3 1/2 hour program on the 18th afternoon come up with
recommendations, all of which were discussed and adopted unanimously. (See below)
The call was for the abolition of outsourcing [i.e. the contractor for labour system], and short-term employment contract..
Regular employment with security of tenure until retirement
employment relationships between principals or owners of workplaces as
employers, and workers that work in the said workplaces as employees of
the said principals and owners.
9th Asia-Europe People’s Forum

“People’s Solidarity
against Poverty and for Sustainable Development: Challenging Unjust and
Unequal Development, Building States of Citizens for Citizens”
Vientiane, Laos, 16-19 October, 2012
A. Employment and Employment Relationship
1. Ensure that workers have the right to regular employment with security of tenure until retirement.
2. Abolish short-term or fixed duration employment contracts, and if still needed in exceptional situation should be limited in its use.
3. Ensure 2-party employment relationships between principals or owners of workplaces as employers, and workers that work in the said workplaces as employees of the said principals and owners.
4. Labour suppliers, contractors for labour or labour outsourcing companies should never be employers of workers.
5. Abolish manpower/labour outsourcing and all forms of triangular employment relationships/ arrangements.
B. Worker Rights & Access To Justice
1. Ensure that all worker rights are respected, including rights of access to avenues of justice, social security, healthcare, compliance with occupational health and safety standards and decent work.
2. Migrant workers shall be allowed to work and stay legally until their complaints and claims are finally adjudicated and settled.
3. All workers, irrespective of their nationality or legal status, shall have the right to labour rights, including a right to form and/or join trade unions and collective bargaining, consistent with the international core labour standards.
C. Recommendation about UN/Regional Standards and Instruments
1. In cases of rights abuse, human rights defenders, including CSR/TNC compliance monitoring bodies, should issue alerts, lobby companies and governments, raise awareness among the general population and support workers who want to fight for their rights.
2. Trade unions and CSR/TNC monitoring bodies should inform the workers of codes of conduct of companies and their supply chain, as well as relevant government policies.
3. Trade unions and CSR/TNC monitoring bodies should lobby the governments to ensure that trade agreements include guarantees for labour conditions and rights of workersใ
4. CSOs in countries where the production is based and where the investment is coming from to strengthen their collaboration.
5. Trade unions and CSR/ TNC monitoring bodies should connect workers and their representatives with the global movement, including AEPF.
D. Recommendation about Trade Unions
1. When governments and/or ASEM have discussions/engagements with Investors, Trade Union must always be part of the process.
2. Trade unions must be included in law and decision making processes at the national regional and international levels.
3. Stronger collaboration between trade unions across sectors and regions is needed, and a strong transnational network of trade unions should be developed.
4. Trade unions of countries of origin and destination countries of migrant workers shall collaborate to ensure protection of the rights of migrant workers. Portable trade union membership shall be promoted.
5. Trade unions shall strengthen their role in monitoring labour law enforcement and CSR compliance.
This workshop was organized by Workers Hub For Change(WH4C), Network of Action
for Migrants in Malaysia
(NAMM), MAP Foundation, Mekong Migration Network (MMN), Clean Clothes
Campaign(CCC), GoodElectronics Network and Asia
Pacific Forum On Women Law and Development(APWLD)
The recommendations/position
of this workshop was included in the Final Statement of AEPF, that have
been handed over to the relevant Minister of Laos, who has given his
assurance that this statement will be handed over and hopefully
considered by the leaders of the European and Asian nations that will be
meeting in a few days time.
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