An MTUC in need of transformation
The time is ripe for the Malaysian Trades Union
Congress to transform itself to meet present challenges in Malaysia as
well as the global economic order.

By Callistus Antony D’Angelus
The Malaysian Trades Union Congress’ (MTUC) recent Triennial
Delegates Conference (TDC) culminated in the delegates deciding upon a
leadership change to serve its affiliates and Malaysian workers for the
next three years. The team led by Abdul Halim Mansor and J Solomon won
in the contest for most of the positions, edging out the team led by
Abdullah Sani and N Gopalakishnam.
As with most elections, factions will be formed, of which there is
often factionalism within the factions themselves. With the benefit of
hindsight, this is something that is healthy and upon which rests the
survival and vibrancy of any democratic and progressive institution. The
MTUC has treated us to many such interesting, tense, and sometimes even
divisive contests over the years.
Such contests invariably result in some winning and others losing,
and this should be distinct from categorising the candidates as winners
and losers. There is a place for everyone and the spirit of the contest,
which is to make MTUC better and stronger, must be appreciated. There
needs to be a coming together within MTUC and the likes of Sani and
Gopalakishnam will continue to have a pivotal role to play – if they so
The mandate to lead
The newly elected office bearers have been given a mandate to lead
MTUC for the next three years, with the appropriate mechanisms in place
such as the General Council to ensure that the leadership acts in
accordance with the aspirations of the affiliates, trade union members
and workers of the country. The new leadership must be given the
support, space and time to establish themselves.
Halim is a veteran trade unionist and has spent many years in various
positions within the MTUC, and is well versed with the industrial
relations machinery. Solomon, in his more than a decade leading the
National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE), is a dynamic and visionary
trade union leader, who has pushed the boundaries many a time in his
efforts to bring justice for workers. With the other elected leaders and
with the support of the General Council of MTUC, they are in a good
position to take the organisation to its next level.
There will continue to be disagreements within the MTUC, as is the
case in almost any organisation, and this should be approached in a
constructive manner. Petty bickering will only serve to detract the MTUC
from the gargantuan task which lies ahead – to serve the interests of
trade unions and workers in Malaysia.
The changing world and employment context
Workers and the middle class are increasingly disenfranchised and
this is finding its voice all over the world. The BREXIT vote, the
recent US Presidential election, the political direction of France,
Italy and Austria are some examples of the status quo being challenged.
The neo-liberal agenda, which has now established itself into the
mainstream’s political, economic and social world order, has failed the
common people and especially the workers. Globalisation and trade
liberalisation in its present form, with insufficient safeguards for
workers and the 99%, has caused an imbalance which is not sustainable.
In Malaysia, workers have been denied their fair share of the
country’s economic progress – more so in the recent past than probably
ever before. The rising cost of living, casualisation of labour,
promotion of precarious employment practices and depression of wages has
caught up and the common Malaysian worker is paying a heavy price for
it. Trade union legislation, which is supposed to be in place to accord
workers an appropriate right of representation and the facility to
collectivise, has regressed over the years. It is now the case that the
entire system can be said to be anti-labour.
The MTUC is the right body to re-establish the place that labour
should occupy in society, and this is not going to be done easily and
will require a lot of hard work and most of all unity within MTUC.
An MTUC in need of transformation
MTUC has served workers and trade unions well over the years, despite
the limitations imposed upon it by the system. The time has come though
for the MTUC to consider a need to transform itself to meet the
challenges of current-day Malaysia and the global economic order. Apart
from the administration of the MTUC, areas such as organisation of trade
unions and trade union membership, research and education, public
relations and its image as a whole need to be reviewed.
The MTUC needs to be relevant to all workers, and especially the
younger generation. A pipeline should also be developed for new leaders
to emerge. The outreach of the organisation should be wide and
inclusive, extending itself to as many workers as possible.
MTUC remains the organisation to represent Malaysian workers and
trade unions, and it should now step-up and come together to attain this
objective in the real sense.
Callistus Antony D’Angelus is an FMT reader.
With a firm belief in freedom of expression and without prejudice, FMT tries its best to share reliable content from third parties. Such articles are strictly the writer’s personal opinion. FMT does not necessarily endorse the views or opinions given by any third party content provider. - FMT News, 1/12/2016
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