Masalah kehilangan pekerjaan dan masalah pekerja di Megasteel - yang harus difahami adalah bahawa ini berlaku di Selangor, negeri di bawah pentadbiran kerajaan Pembangkang, di mana Menteri Besar adalah daripada Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR)...
Apakah tindakan kerajaan negeri? Apakah penyelesaian yang dicadangkan oleh kerajaan negeri? Adakah Azmin Ali atau kerajaan Negeri melakukan apa-apa sehingga ini? [Carian 'Google' untuk "Megasteel Azmin Ali' tidak mendedahkan apa-apa berita - Azmin Ali tak memberi komen apa-apa mengenai nasib pekerja Megasteel?] Apakah perancangan jangka pendek kerajaan negeri? Adakah kerajaan negeri akan membantu mencari kerja baru? Adakah kerajaan negeri akan menyediakan 'bantuan kewangan' membantu pekerja dan keluarga pekerja - mungkin, boleh disediakan bantuan kewangan sementara sebanyak RM1,000 untuk jangkamasa 6 bulan atau sehingga pekerja dapat mencari pekerjaan baru?
Jika sebuah syarikat mahu beroperasi di Selangor, mesti ada kebenaran kerajaan negeri Selangor. Adakah Selangor mengenakan syarat 'majikan perlu hormati hak pekerja dan kesatuan'? Adakah Selangor memerlukan majikan kilang memaklumkan awal kepada pihak kerajaan jika akan berlaku penutupan kilang atau pembuangan kerja beramai-ramai - supaya kerajaan Selangor boleh awal lagi berusaha menangani masalah yang bakal akan dialami pekerja di dalam Negeri Selangor? Banyak yang boleh dilakukan kerajaan negeri....untuk menjaga hak dan kebajikan pekerja...tetapi adakah Menteri Besar Azmin Ali prihatin mengenai perkara remeh saperti masalah pekerja dan keluarga?
Abdullah Sani adalah Ahli Parlimen Kuala Langat - hebat kerana beliau juga seorang 'Unionist' - beliau juga Acting Presiden MTUC. Beliau semestinya prihatin mengenai isu pekerja dan masalah pekerja di Megasteel... Tapi sehingga kini, beliau tidak pun mengeluarkan apa-apa kenyataan media mengenai isu di Megasteel... MTUC juga belum keluarkan apa-apa kenyataan media mengenai isu di Megasteel.
Lapuran berita Star menyatakan bahawa beliau menganggap apa yang berlaku itu 'cruel'. Beliau nampaknya telah kemudian mengadakan perbincangan dengan pihak Megasteel, Pengarah Jabatan Buruh - tapi ini lapuran media 18/4/2016 - bukankah semua ini sudah lewat? Apa yang dibincangkan pun tak dilapurkan? Apa cadangan penyelesaian beliau juga tak dinyatakan? Apakah yang dia mahu pun tidak dinyatakan?
Malaysiakini(18/4/2016) melapurkan yang Abdullah Sani akan bercakap dengan Najib Tun Razak mengenai perkara ini. Bukan sahaja lewat bertindak dalam isu ini yang telah mendapatkan liputan media lebih kurang 1 minggu, adalah anih Abdullah Sani nak pi cakap dengan PM - apakah pendirian atau cadangan Abdullah Sani....atau adakah dia akan pergi beritahu sahaja masalah kepada PM. Bilakah ini akan berlaku? Adakah PM akan memberi masa untuk jumpa dengan MP Abdullah Sani? Abdullah Sani harus mempunyai TUNTUTAN ATAU CADANGAN WAJAR - bukan hanya menyampaikan berita dan minta PM dan Kerajaan BN untuk selesai isu ini. PM dan kerajaan BN pun baca surat khabar - dan jangan lupa bahawa Kementerian Sumber Manusia, adalah kerajaan dan sudah pasti PM sudah tahu...
“Since these are serious issues, I will speak to the prime minister about this,” said Abdullah Sani.
Kenapa Abdullah Sani tak mahu pi jumpa dengan Azmin Ali, Menteri Besar Selangor...? ADUN kawasan nampaknya tak keluarpun...atau mereka ada keluar berjumpa mangsa tetapi tidak dilapurkan media. Tapi, jika tak dilapurkan media, pasti maklumat dan pandangan mereka akan keluar dalam Blog atau Laman Web mereka...
MASALAH kita tahu tetapi apakah cadangan penyelesaian masalah - MP dan ADUN perlu memberikan cadangan penyelesaian atau tuntutan jelas... kalau tidak mampu, dan hanya berupaya hantar berita sahaja ...lebih baik, jangan jadi 'wakil rakyat'...
Monday, 18 April 2016 | MYT 5:56 PM
Execs steel for hard times after sudden termination
Jamilah Abdul Rahman, 34, a senior executive at Lion DRI’s quality assurance department, said it is untimely for the company to stop her service now that she is 34 weeks' pregnant with her second child.
“I have been working for them for 10 years and started as an executive.
“The extremely short notice was a rude shock to many of us. I am worried about what happens next, especially because I am expecting a baby soon.
The protest saw more than 200 workers holding placards and banners and chanting slogans, expressing their worries and demanding for proper compensation for their retrenchment.
Jamilah, from Olak Rempit, here, said she initially heard about possible lay-offs for the executives from a meeting in February.
“However, a memo was issued later saying that all executives would be terminated, while non-executives would be laid off, without stating any time frame.
"Now, we have been suddenly given termination notices.
"It gives us no time to make preparations," she said, adding that it is going to be a challenge to look for a job with the current economy outlook.
Mechanical executive Raja Badrulizamman Raja Mad Nasir, 35, said it is unfair for Megasteel to give such a short notice to terminate some 90 executives who have served for five years and more citing significant deterioration of business performance and environment.
"The sudden termination has made things difficult for us, who mostly have families to provide for.
"It is also unfair to give out the three-month payment in lieu of termination notice in instalments," he said, adding that they had yet to receive their March salaries.
Production executive Norzaidi Nekmat, 34, questioned why contract staff and foreign workers still have jobs in the companies.
"This is unfair. The management should have discussed its problems with us.
"I have no choice but to rely on my savings and my wife to support the family temporarily," said the father of two.
Kuala Langat MP Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid, who is also MTUC acting president, described the action of the companies as ''cruel''.
He said the companies should not have terminated the workers on such short notice and no room for further discussions.
"Apart from being unfair, this is also a violation of labour laws.
Abdullah Sani later held talks the management of the companies together with other representatives, including Selangor Labour Department director Mohd Asri Abdul Wahab. - Star, 18/4/2016
Arah berhenti 24 jam
Kuala Langat: “Kami berharap ada unsur simpati terhadap nasib kami.
Ada antara kami sudah bekerja sejak 33 tahun lalu,” kata Raja Badrul
Izaman Raja Mad Nasir, 35.
Dia antara lebih 100 pekerja eksekutif Megasteel di Olak Lempit di
sini, yang masih ‘terumbang-ambing’ berikutan tindakan syarikat
berkenaan memberhentikan pekerja dengan memberi notis 24 jam pada 31 Mac
Selain itu lebih 400 pekerja bukan eksekutif kilang itu kini
diarahkan bercuti tanpa sebarang kata putus berhubung masa depan mereka.
Raja Badrul Izaman berkata, tindakan majikan mereka dianggap tidak
wajar berikutan kesukaran pekerja mendapatkan pekerja lain bagi
menampung kehidupan.
“Pekerja tiada pilihan kerana kami seakan dipaksa berhenti walaupun
tidak menandatangani sebarang dokumen persetujuan yang diberikan pihak
pengurusan pada petang 31 Mac lalu.
Dapatkan akhbar Harian Metro untuk berita selanjutnya.
Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Selasa, 19 April 2016 @ 6:33 AM
Source: My Metro, 19/4/2016
"Gaji RM1,800 dipotong lagi separuh, anak bini nak makan apa?"
Luqman Hariz, Astro Awani
Beberapa pekerja yang diberhentikan kerja mengadakan piket di hadapan kilang Megasteel hari ini. – Gambar Astro AWANI
Demikian ujar Mohd Amir Rapini, salah seorang dari 489 pekerja yang diberhentikan kerja buat sementara waktu dari kilang keluli Megasteel Sdn Bhd.
Keluhan Amir disambut teriakan kira-kira 60 pekerja yang mengadakan piket di pintu hadapan Megasteel hari ini.
Sebagai sebahagian daripada langkah lay-off ini, kesemua mereka dipotong gaji 50 peratus.
“Mereka zalim. Saya sudah berbelas tahun di sini. Saya ada tiga orang anak, semuanya bersekolah lagi,” tambahnya.

Sebahagian daripada pekerja yang mengadakn protes di hadapan kilang Megasteel di Banting hari ini. – Gambar Astro AWANI
Pengeluar tempatan kini berdepan persaingan sengit ekoran harga keluli dari China yang rendah dan peningkatan kos operasi.
“Pengeluar keluli tempatan terjejas teruk dengan aktiviti import lambakan keluli dengan harga murah sejak beberapa tahun lalu,” kata Megasteel dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Megasteel berkata, kini kapasiti pengeluarannya hanya digunakan 20 ke 30 peratus.
Ia turut menyaksikan kerugian RM2 bilion pada 2014 dan paras terkini pinjaman banknya melebihi RM12 bilion.

Sebahagian daripada pekerja yang mengadakn protes di hadapan kilang Megasteel di Banting hari ini. – Gambar Astro AWANI
“Kami sedih kerana terpaksa melakukannya (pemberhentian kerja sementara). Kalau kami boleh elakkan, kami akan elakkan,” kata Vasu Palanisamy, Pengurus Kanan Perhubungan Pekerja Lion Group, syarikat induk Megasteel.
Tambahnya: “Kita mengharap keajaiban, agar industri keluli tempatan pulih kembali dan kita boleh sambung kerja seperti biasa.”
Sumber: Astro AWANI
Monday, 18 April 2016 | MYT 6:50 PM
Megasteel: Workers were briefed on business challenges
In a statement Monday, Megasteel said it organised several town hall sessions with employees to brief and engage them on the business challenges and unavoidable decision to lay off and retrench workers.
"We are also providing support and training for the employees to seek alternate employment.
"Megasteel also sought the assistance of the Labour Department and other companies for job placement of its employees," it said.
Megasteel said it also noted the discouraging job market, with other industries also affected by poor sales and low production levels.
"We have and will continue to engage with all stakeholders and the relevant authorities to try and address the unavoidable issue of layoffs and retrenchment considering the present difficult business environment," it said.
Megasteel also said that it is in constant consultations with the authorities, such as the Labour Department, the Industrial Relations Department and the Metal Industry Employees Union (MIEU), to seek an amicable solution to the workers' plight and concerns.
It noted that local steel manufacturers have been badly affected by rampant imports at dumped prices in the past several years.
"This has resulted in low orders and low capacity utilisation, with the major steel mills incurring heavy losses of more than RM2bil in 2014 and bank borrowings in excess of RM12bil.
"Many steel manufacturers have closed down and the rest, including Megasteel, are running their operations intermittently, leading to many employees being laid off or retrenched."
Megasteel said it has provided information on the layoffs and retrenchment to the International Trade and Industry Ministry and Mida as requested, with the Government aware of the developments affecting the steel industry.
It said that the company and steel associations had requested the authorities to act against excessive imports and save the local industry, which employs some 150,000 workers, many of whom are highly skilled and experienced.
"The local steel industry have made numerous presentations to the authorities to act against foreign manufacturers dumping state-subsidised steel products.
''Regrettably, Megasteel’s submission for safeguard petition was terminated by the Government and the anti-dumping duties imposed were not effective in curbing dumping.
''We urge the Government to assist the local steel industry and the employees whose jobs are at stake, by taking the necessary and urgent actions to curb dumping and dubious imports of steel products," it added. - Star, 18/4/2016
MP to consult Najib, seeks ‘win-win’ for steelmaker, workers

Kuala Langat MP
Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid, will bring up the issues afflicting
steelmaker Megasteel Sdn Bhd and their employees with Prime Minister
Najib Abdul Razak.
The PKR rep was present at today’s discussion – held between representatives of Megasteel, Jabatan Tenaga Kerja, Metal Industry Employees’ Union and the workers' committee.
“Since these are serious issues, I will speak to the prime minister about this,” said Abdullah Sani.
The meeting took place after a second picket by laid-off employees in front of Megasteel’s office in Banting.
“We (Megasteel) would really appreciate it if the YB can bring this matter up with the prime minister and in Parliament, and help influence a decision in favour of the company,” said Vasu Palanisamy, the senior manager group industrial relations and employee relations (Irer) of Megasteel.
Vasu added that the workers’ committee representatives also enquired about when the company can come back with a response to their issues.
“Unfortunately, I was unable to give a definite date.
“The company management is discussing this matter and we will get back to the representatives as soon as possible,” Vasu added.
According to The Star report on Nov 25, Megasteel had petitioned the government to curb the rampant imports of hot rolled coil (HRC) at dumping prices.
Megasteel said in a statement that it had the right to seek trade remedy measures against HRC imports which were “causing serious injury to the local HRC industry in Malaysia.”
“The petition seeks to provide an equitable and level playing field for the local producers of HRC in the country,” the company added.
Laid-off employees hopeful
Meanwhile, workers’ committee secretary Elangovan Manaisamy said the affected employees did not want to be laid off and preferred compensation, so they would be able to seek employment with other companies.
“By being laid off, we are only being paid 50 percent of our salary monthly. And the company had also said we can’t work at other places during the layoff,” Elangovan claimed.
Elangovan added that the affected employees will hold another picket if Megasteel does not responded to their issues before April 30.
With regards to Kuala Langat parliamentarian Abdullah Sani offering to help both parties involved, Elangovan is grateful the MP has pledged to look into the issue.
“We are also hoping to amicably resolve this issue. Let this be a win-win situation for both Megasteel and the affected employees,” he added.
Today’s picket, organised a week after the first one, was attended by an estimated 280 people. _ Malaysiakini, 18/4/2016
The PKR rep was present at today’s discussion – held between representatives of Megasteel, Jabatan Tenaga Kerja, Metal Industry Employees’ Union and the workers' committee.
“Since these are serious issues, I will speak to the prime minister about this,” said Abdullah Sani.
The meeting took place after a second picket by laid-off employees in front of Megasteel’s office in Banting.
“We (Megasteel) would really appreciate it if the YB can bring this matter up with the prime minister and in Parliament, and help influence a decision in favour of the company,” said Vasu Palanisamy, the senior manager group industrial relations and employee relations (Irer) of Megasteel.
Vasu added that the workers’ committee representatives also enquired about when the company can come back with a response to their issues.
“Unfortunately, I was unable to give a definite date.
“The company management is discussing this matter and we will get back to the representatives as soon as possible,” Vasu added.
According to The Star report on Nov 25, Megasteel had petitioned the government to curb the rampant imports of hot rolled coil (HRC) at dumping prices.
Megasteel said in a statement that it had the right to seek trade remedy measures against HRC imports which were “causing serious injury to the local HRC industry in Malaysia.”
“The petition seeks to provide an equitable and level playing field for the local producers of HRC in the country,” the company added.
Laid-off employees hopeful
Meanwhile, workers’ committee secretary Elangovan Manaisamy said the affected employees did not want to be laid off and preferred compensation, so they would be able to seek employment with other companies.
“By being laid off, we are only being paid 50 percent of our salary monthly. And the company had also said we can’t work at other places during the layoff,” Elangovan claimed.
Elangovan added that the affected employees will hold another picket if Megasteel does not responded to their issues before April 30.
With regards to Kuala Langat parliamentarian Abdullah Sani offering to help both parties involved, Elangovan is grateful the MP has pledged to look into the issue.
“We are also hoping to amicably resolve this issue. Let this be a win-win situation for both Megasteel and the affected employees,” he added.
Today’s picket, organised a week after the first one, was attended by an estimated 280 people. _ Malaysiakini, 18/4/2016
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