Nampaknya rancangan janaan Khazanah telah terus dibawa ke kabinet, dan telah dipersetujui kabinet.... Wajarkah ini? Bukankah Chairman Board of Directors Khazanah juga Perdana Menteri kita? Maka persetujuan secara wajar tidak boleh dilakukan oleh kabinet pimpinan orang sama yang menjadi Chairman Khazanah... Secara wajar, persetujuan harus dibuat oleh Parlimen - tempat duduknya semua wakil rakyat. Ada baik juga satu 'Select Committee Parliament' ditubuhkan untuk menentukan dan memantau program kembalikan MAS kepada entiti yang boleh berjaya..
Khazanah Nasional has a nine-member Board comprising representatives from the public and private sectors. Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Hj Abdul Razak, the Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia, is the Chairman of the Board.
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Goodbye MAS Employees Union(MASEU) and other Unions in MAS?
Adakah pekerja dan UNION pekerja di MAS mempunyai kata pendapat atau peranan dalam usaha menyelamatkan MAS? Seharusnya, Union juga menjadi sebahagian daripada jawatankuasa yang ditubuhkan untuk menyelamatkan MAS [Union mewakili tenaga kerja, Pihak yang mewakili pemilik MAS (Khazanah) dan satu lagi pihak, iaitu kerajaan Malaysia], di mana mereka ini yang harus bekerja dan sampai akhirnya kepada Rancangan/Pelan Menyelamatkan MAS..
Sekarang, apakah peranan UNION?
1 - Segera bertemu dengan ahli mereka, minta pendapat dan sampai kepada pendirian bersama dan ambil tindakan... (kalau lewat, habislah pekerja dan UNION boleh dikatakan gagal mewakili pekerja sebaiknya...). Ini bukan masanya mereka yang dibayar UNION untuk memikirkan tentang diri mereka dan masa depan mereka - ini adalah masa pegawai Union dan kepimpinan UNION segera bertindak.... Isunya, adakah terima bulat-bulat pelan Khazanah...atau sebaliknya ada bantahan atau cadangan lain... UNION ada juga kebijaksanaan sendiri bukan hanya boleh dilihat sebagai 'komoditi' atau tenaga kerja sahaja.
2 - UNION juga boleh mewakili ahli - menentukan:-
a) Siapa yang mahu kerja terus dengan MAS - bagi mereka UNION boleh sekarang memastikan bahawa (1) mereka terus akan dikekalkan sebagai pekerja 'regular' tetap sehingga tarikh persaraan di 'syarikat baru' dan bukan tiba-tiba hanya ditawarkan kerja kontrak jangka pendek pula; (2) tempoh perkhidmatan mereka di MAS akan diambil kira dan diteruskan bila mereka diambil kerja dalam 'syarikat baru' MAS nanti (tempuh perkhidmatan penting dalam isu hak cuti tahunan, cuti sakit, bayaran sekiranya dibuang kerja nanti, sekiranya berlaku retrenchment dan prinsip LIFO digunakan - di mana lebih lama kerja dianggap lebih selamat kerja mereka;
b) Siapa yang sedia meninggalkan MAS [kan syarikat baru MAS akan mengurangkan pekerjanya 6,000 orang] - Bagi mereka, UNION boleh berjuang untuk mendapatkan skim terbaik - sama ada retrenchment benefit atau VSS scheme.
c) UNION boleh memainkan peranan memastikan senarai pekerja yang akan terus bekerja dengan 'syarikat baru' MAS - jangan sampai biarkan 'syarikat baru' yang menentukan - ambil siapa dia suka dan buang siapa dia tak suka...pilih sahaja mereka yang senang 'ditindas' dan tak ada sejarah perjuangan hak... Buang sahaja mereka yang kuat UNION dan sebagainya...
d) UNION juga boleh memastikan bahawa ahli Union yang diberi keutamaan kerja di 'syarikat baru' MAS...
e) UNION juga boleh kini memastikan bahawa masa depan UNION selamat tidak terjejas akibat daripada proses menjual MAS kepada syarikat entiti baru... [Apa boleh dilakukan? 1) Pastikan kerajaan serta merta (dalam tempuh 7 hari atau kurang) mendaftarkan UNION baru; 2) Pastikan 'syarikat baru' yang mengambil alih MAS dengan segera memberikan pengiktirafan kepada UNION baru; 3) UNION diberikan akses sepenuhnya kepada semua pekerja yang berkelayakkan untuk urusan pendaftaran ahli; 4) CA akan segera ditandatangani dan didaftarkan dalam masa 1 bulan dari tarikh pengiktirafan UNION oleh 'syarikat baru'....dan sebagainya...
f) Mungkin juga UNION boleh minta wang(pampasan/derma/) untuk mambantu perjalanan UNION dalam tempuh transisi {Bila pekerja ahli dibuang kerja/retrench oleh syarikat kini MAS - wang keahlian Union tidak lagi akan mengalir/dengan pelepasan pekerja - bilangan ahli juga akan berkurangan dan pendapatan UNION terjejas/ banyak kes(atau tuntutan) pekerja secara luar biasa akan timbul, di mana UNION perlu mengunakan dana untuk menguruskan, UNION juga mungkin terpaksa membantu pekerja dan keluarga tertentu(kebajikan) dari kalangan mereka yang tidak akan diberi kerja oleh 'syarikat baru', UNION perlukan juga 'pampasan' untuk pendaftaran baru, pengiktirafan baru, pendaftaran ahli/dsbm CA baru, dll - Justeru, UNION perlu pastikan bahawa progarm menyelamatkan MAS juga memperuntukkan dana untuk UNION dan ahlinya...
UNION kini boleh bertindak cepat demi kepentingan ahli pekerja secara PROACTIVE - atau...
Tapi, kalau terlewat.... UNION, saperti ahli mereka, akan hanya jadi 'mangsa'....menerima apa sahaja 'sedekah' yang dihulurkan....
Untuk berfikir panjang...tak ada masa....keputusan kini tidak harus ditangan pemimpin yang kesemuanya dilantik sebelum kita tahu perkara yang tidak disangka ini akan berlaku - perlu Mesyuarat Agung Tergempar di panggil oleh semua UNION - ahli perlu tahu semua dan membuat keputusan segera....Apakah pekerja dan UNION akan membuat?
Dulu difikirkan bahawa pelan akan dikemukakan untuk mendapatkan pendapat /komen Union,pekerja dan semua yang lain - tapi nampaknya pelan terus sahaja diluluskan oleh kabinet dan akan segera di-implementasi - jadi, UNION khususnya juga tak boleh lagi 'relaks' - kena bertindak segera demi kepentingan pekerja ahli UNION... masa depan mereka dan keluarga mereka...
Semua yang dinyatakan adalah hanya pendapat peribadi saya... keputusan apa nak buat adalah di tangan pekerja MAS...dan UNION yang mewakili mereka... Ini situasi luar biasa - ramai yang terperangkap tidak tahu apa yang terbaik dilakukan - jangan segan tanya kawan, mereka dari Union lain, dsb...
MAS staffers concerned with restructuring plan
Cynthia NgAstro Awani | Updated: August 30, 2014

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines’
restructuring plan, which includes axing 6,000 jobs - around a third of
the workforce - has caused worries among staffers, particularly cabin
Details of the its right-sizing workforce initiative have not been laid out, but what is unveiled by Khazanah Nasional on Friday is that there will be options for re-skilling, redeployment and a voluntary separation scheme (VSS) as part of its RM6 billion recovery plan for MAS.
Under the plan, the company will also offer employment to some 3,500 MAS workers in other companies.
“As much as I want the airline to survive and accept that somebody has to go, we have to be fair to the staff,” a flight steward with MAS for 20 years told Astro AWANI.
“The rumour is that we might be offered a voluntary separation scheme (VSS) of one and half month's salary for each year of service. That is not sufficient for the cabin crew if the VSS is calculated based on our basic salary.
"For the crew, two thirds of our take home salary comes from allowances. If the VSS is calculated based on basic salary, I don’t think we can survive even for a year.”
MAS employees are very concerned but are mostly opting to wait out until more details of the company’s restructuring plans are revealed, before weighing in on their options, he added.
“The fact is, someone has to go. But we need to be given enough time for adjustments and compensated with a fair and sufficient amount.”
When asked if seeking employment at a different airline is an option, the 40-year-old flight steward said his age could be an impediment.
“I have been with MAS for a very long time. But if you talk about experience, a cabin crew that has worked between 15 and 25 years have almost the same experience. They (airlines) might as well take the younger ones.
Another flight steward with MAS for 15 years is opposed to the VSS scheme.
“If possible, I do not want to the company to offer the VSS scheme. In the event if the employees refuse to take it, we might be forced into retrenchment. Plus, one and half month's pay multiplied by years of service under the VSS - if that is what is being offered - is not enough.
“Honestly, we are all under pressure that we might lose our jobs,” he said.
Meanwhile, National Union of Flight Attendants (Nufam) president Ismail Nasaruddin said the union is waiting for further details on the restructuring process.
“We are observing the details that Khazanah has given us for now.
6,000 is the targeted figure, but not necessarily all 6,000 people will leave. Not all employees will take up the VSS offer. So, our concern is what happens if the figure is not met, adding that positions of employees to be laid off and divisions that will be involved are still a question mark.
Under a 12-point restructuring plan announced by Khazanah's Managing Director, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar on Friday, the current MAS entity would come under 'Oldco' or old company while the new restructured entity would come under 'Newco' (new company) effective July 1, 2015.
“What is crucial is that when you have a Newco, there will be fresh contracts. What is stipulated under the new contract and the terms and conditions will be very important. That is also our main concern,” said Ismail.
He added that apart from the options that have been unveiled, the company might implement salary cut and long breaks for employees as a cost saving measure.
Details of the its right-sizing workforce initiative have not been laid out, but what is unveiled by Khazanah Nasional on Friday is that there will be options for re-skilling, redeployment and a voluntary separation scheme (VSS) as part of its RM6 billion recovery plan for MAS.
Under the plan, the company will also offer employment to some 3,500 MAS workers in other companies.
“As much as I want the airline to survive and accept that somebody has to go, we have to be fair to the staff,” a flight steward with MAS for 20 years told Astro AWANI.
“The rumour is that we might be offered a voluntary separation scheme (VSS) of one and half month's salary for each year of service. That is not sufficient for the cabin crew if the VSS is calculated based on our basic salary.
"For the crew, two thirds of our take home salary comes from allowances. If the VSS is calculated based on basic salary, I don’t think we can survive even for a year.”
MAS employees are very concerned but are mostly opting to wait out until more details of the company’s restructuring plans are revealed, before weighing in on their options, he added.
“The fact is, someone has to go. But we need to be given enough time for adjustments and compensated with a fair and sufficient amount.”
When asked if seeking employment at a different airline is an option, the 40-year-old flight steward said his age could be an impediment.
“I have been with MAS for a very long time. But if you talk about experience, a cabin crew that has worked between 15 and 25 years have almost the same experience. They (airlines) might as well take the younger ones.
Another flight steward with MAS for 15 years is opposed to the VSS scheme.
“If possible, I do not want to the company to offer the VSS scheme. In the event if the employees refuse to take it, we might be forced into retrenchment. Plus, one and half month's pay multiplied by years of service under the VSS - if that is what is being offered - is not enough.
“Honestly, we are all under pressure that we might lose our jobs,” he said.
Meanwhile, National Union of Flight Attendants (Nufam) president Ismail Nasaruddin said the union is waiting for further details on the restructuring process.
“We are observing the details that Khazanah has given us for now.
6,000 is the targeted figure, but not necessarily all 6,000 people will leave. Not all employees will take up the VSS offer. So, our concern is what happens if the figure is not met, adding that positions of employees to be laid off and divisions that will be involved are still a question mark.
Under a 12-point restructuring plan announced by Khazanah's Managing Director, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar on Friday, the current MAS entity would come under 'Oldco' or old company while the new restructured entity would come under 'Newco' (new company) effective July 1, 2015.
“What is crucial is that when you have a Newco, there will be fresh contracts. What is stipulated under the new contract and the terms and conditions will be very important. That is also our main concern,” said Ismail.
He added that apart from the options that have been unveiled, the company might implement salary cut and long breaks for employees as a cost saving measure.