Sekarang, perkara yang harus SEGERA dilakukan adalah -
1 - Tarik balik tindakan Mahkamah Tinggi yang mencabar keputusan Menteri memberi pengiktirafan[recognition] kepada NUFAM sebagai Union yang mewakili 'flight attendant' di MAS. Ini selepas 'secret ballot'(undi sulit) yang jelas sekali menunjukkan pekerja MAS yang layak diwakili NUFAM menyatakan bahawa mereka mahu NUFAM -
2 - Segera mengembalikan kerja Presiden NUFAM, Setiausaha Agung NUFAM, ahli exco dan ahli biasa NUFAM yang telah dibuang kerja secara salah oleh MAS sebelum ini.
3 - Dalam usaha menyelamatkan MAS - pastikan yang pekerja MAS juga terlibat dalam proses tersebut - yakni 2 Kesatuan Sekerja berkenaan MASEU (yang kini mewakili pekerja selain daripada 'flight attendant' dan juruterbang), NUFAM yang mewakili 'flight attendant'm dan badan yang mewakili pilot di MAS terlibat dalam semua aspek dari strategi kepada implementasi. Pekerja di MAS sememangnya mahu MAS diselamatkan dan terus berjaya - kerana kejayaan MAS ada kesan terus kepada pekerjaan mereka serta kebajikan pekerja sekeluarga. Malangnya, banyak majikan hanya kini menganggap pekerja sebagai komoditi untuk diekploitasi untuk mengaut keuntungan - ini harus berubahm dan kesatuan sekerja dan pekerja harus dijadikan sebagai 'rakan kongsi' untuk menjayakan sesuatu perniagaan.
Cabin crew union says MAS takeover will safeguard jobs
Published: 9 August 2014

"Our worries were the welfare of the workers and with the government takeover, the issue of cutting down the workforce is no longer there. I do not think the government would want to do that while the world is watching," said National Union of Flight Attendants (Nufam) president Ismail Nasaruddin.
He said the takeover by the government’s investment arm would give the flight attendants job security after months of uncertainty.
“If it had been taken over by new owners, there would be a lot of people losing their jobs. We feel MAS will have the best chance of survival with this takeover. The workers will be much more at ease. “The in-house administration and policies will also be monitored closely," said Ismail.
He said the restructuring would also have to involve the top management.
"We have seen years pass by and MAS still suffering losses but with the takeover, we are positive that with better monitoring and implementation, the national flag carrier can regain its glory," Ismail said.
MAS was hit with RM1.2 billion in losses in 2013 and the twin air disasters of MH370 and MH17 this year.
The incidents have had a significant impact on the airline’s performance this year.
Ismail said the union would be monitoring Khazanah’s move to turn MAS into a profitable entity.
"This is only the first stage of execution. We want to see how they are going to do this, and the second and third phases of restructuring, and whether it will be beneficial to the employees too, especially the flight attendants – whether their needs and welfare will be taken care of. That is paramount," he said.
He added that the takeover plan had received mixed responses from those on the ground.
“We cannot please everyone but we can make them understand what the process will entail.
“If this move will cause more harm to the workers and jeopardise their livelihood, then we will fight. After all, this is what the union does, fight for the best interest of its members," he said.
Ismail also said MAS had to be allowed to succeed as it was a national asset.
"No other hands should take over other than the government as MAS also belongs to the people of Malaysia," he said. – August 9, 2014. - Malaysian Insider, 9/8/2014, Cabin crew union says MAS takeover will safeguard jobs
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