NATIONAL UNION OF JOURNALIST (NUJ) PICKET COMING SOON - tarikh, masa dan tempat masih belum diketahui...
UNION piket lagi - di mana isu kini adalah berkenaan CA - khususnya untuk memberikan tekanan kepada majikan menaikkan kadar peningkatan gaji - apa yang ditawarkan majikan hanya 4%, di mana ini NUJ mendapati tidak wajar dan adil - NUJ mahu lebih - tapi malangnya peratusan yang diminta NUJ tidak jelas...
Adakah terdapat apa-apa lagi isu yang akan diperjuangkan semasa piket ini?
Kesatuan Wartawan Kebangsaan (NUJ) merancang untuk mengadakan piket
kebangsaan selepas Hari Raya Aidilfitri sebagai bantahan terhadap
tawaran majikan pengurusan Kumpulan Utusan yang menawarkan pelarasan
gaji hanya 4% untuk Perjanjian Kolektif 2014-2017. Sumber kesatuan NUJ
menyatakan tawaran 4% adalah terlalu rendah dan tidak mencerminkan
peningkatan kos sara hidup dan pelaksanaan GST pada tahun 2015. Syarikat
mengikut Laporan Kewangan Tahunan 2010-2013 telah membayar Lembaga
Pengarahnya Gaji, Allowance dan Benefits berjumlah 16.85% sedangkan
pekerja-pekerja yang terdiri dari wartawan hanya dibayar 9% pelarasan
gaji untuk tempoh 3 tahun tersebut.
Syarikat Utusan yang juga
syarikat pemilikan UMNO difahamkan sedang mengalami masalah kewangan
yang kritikal dan menjejaskan operasinya kesan dari peningkatan
penggunaan social media dan media alternative.

Apa yang kita boleh belajar daripada NUJ?
1 - Mereka ada laman web NUJ - di mana malangnya di Malaysia banyak UNION masih lagi tidak mempunyai Blog atau Laman Web untuk UNION maka mereka terpinggir daripada orang ramai dan juga ahli mereka sendiri. Jelas kini pihak media massa bukan selalu akan membuat liputan isu pekerja - maka perlulah Union mengunakan apa yang ada untuk tujuan menghebohkan isu, menimbulkan kesedaran, dsb... National atau Regional atau State Unions, khususnya perlu ada Laman Web atau Blog (di mana Blog percuma) - supaya juga pekerja kilang/tempat kerja lain yang berminat menubuhkan Union dapat menghubungi mereka...boleh tahu juga apa kebaikan ada Union (kerana semua ini akan dapat dibaca dalam Blog atau Laman Web Union.
2 - Saya juga terkagum dengan kenyataan media yang jelas tercatat dalam Laman Web Union - adalah amalan baik mempunyai kenyataan media - jangan cakap sahaja kepada pihak media. Pihak media biasanya pilih dan lapurkan apa yang mereka mahu di mana kadang-kadang apa yang UNION berkata tak jelas - tetapi jika ada kenyataan media, dapat ini diedarkan dan semua dapat tahu apakah kenyataan sepeneuhnya... Tambahan NUJ ada catatan semua kenyataan media yang telah dikeluarkan - Syabas. Contoh satu kenyataan media NUJ adalah saperti dibawah ini....
February 13, 2014
THE National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJ) urges the government to repeal the 1984 Printing, Presses and Publishing Act (PPPA) and other relevant laws and regulations that curb the freedom of the press in our country in liaise with its democratic process.
The NUJ wishes to state that during the thirteenth General Elections which took place on May 5, 2013, the new government was supposed to seriously look at the various draconian laws that constrict press freedom and threaten journalists, to make the desired changes possible and to advocate impartial neutral news coverage in order to meet the public's right to know.
YAB Najib-led BN government during the past has made restructuring and reforms, including amendments to the PPPA.
However, the media industry wants to see the government abolish the PPPA and other relevant laws so that professional journalism can be adhered to, to perform their duties responsibly and safe from any government interference.
According to Reporters San Frontieres (Reporters Without Borders) press freedom index 2013, Malaysia's press freedom is ranked 145th out of 179 countries compared to 123 in 2011/2012.
This sharp fall should sound an alarm. Malaysia has fallen to its lowest-ever position because access to information is becoming more and more limited.
The media industry and the public as a whole are seeing this figures regrettably as a worrying inclination stunting the growth and development of media industry in our country as it is undoubtedly also a stumbling block to a democratic process that is stalling or going into reverse. It is undermining human rights issues and press freedom that eventually would create an adverse trend in a developing country such as Malaysia.
NUJ strongly opposes media manipulation by political parties or government monopoly, especially when the press freedom ranking we have seen is closely related to the government of a country that is not epitomizing democratic openness.
As we all know, the BN government controls the English New Straits Times Group, the Utusan group is UMNO controlled, and MCA which has the "Star" to call its own, the print media has become the mouthpiece of the ruling party instead of playing its role as the mouthpiece of the people.
This has resulted in the newspapers losing their credibility.
The NUJ calls for the government to re-examine the issues curbing press freedom in Malaysia. Malaysia's press freedom development has been stagnant for the past 56 years and has seen a decline with the system of one-party ruling in Malaysia.
On behalf of the Executive Council,
President NUJM
Sumber: - Laman Web NUJ
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